HR Influence Through Key Performance Indicators

Use HR Straight Talk ™ as a Human Resource extension to your business. Straight, no nonsense solutions and answers to your HR needs. 

Managing your staff and human resources is more complex then ever before.  You may be just starting your business or running a small to mid-size organization.  Our human resource experts are here to assist you in building and fortifying your number one assets - employees.  

Do you keep up with the many constantly updating and changing employment laws from both federal and state?  Our HR consultants do. The name of the game for your business is RESULTS. Let HR Straight Talk help support your business through a full compliment of human resource outsourcing and consulting services.  Results are achieved with the right people. When your staff is aligned with your vision great things can happen. 

Do you have dedicated resources in your human capital to achieve the results you want?  We serve small to mid-size organizations in providing just the right HR solutions that you need.

At HR Straight Talk  there is no 'one size fits all'. We focus on solutions that fit your specific needs to achieve the results you desire.  

HR Straight Talk works on an hourly base, project basis or a full retainer as your HR Department's "straight talk" resource. Depending on your requirements, we will customize a solution that fits your needs. Click the links below to find out how we can help.


HR Straight Talk has services that get to the root of your organizations needs.  We can help develop the foundation, improve performance, and help guide strategic discussions.


HR on demand resources for unexpected "potholes".  We are a phone call away via telephonic guidance for immediate straight talk solutions. Pick up the phone and call us for those "I'm not sure what to do" situations.

HR Speed Dial ›

 Risk avoidance is one of those must haves in a good HR practice.  Compliance with wage and hour laws on the federal and state level change seemingly on a daily basis. Let us help you keep in front to mitigate risk.
